The Correlation between Reading
Habit in English and Reading Comprehension at Second Semester
In this chapter the reseacher
presents background of the study, statement
of the research problem, purpose of
the study, htpothesis, significance of the study,
scope and limitation, definitation of key term, and organization of study.
A. Background of The Study
English is an international language. Language is very
important for human’slife. It is used to communication with other people and
also the movement toward and international standard for
the language. Almost of countries have
adapted in English. So they begin to learn both mother tongue and foreign
language to enlar e their knowledge and experience. English is also used as a
compulsary subject at school. The national education
has decided that English as a foreign
language taught in Indonesian. It learned
started from elementary school up to
university. People realize that teaching English at this level becomes very
important and need much concern. As an English
teacher, he or she demands to explore
effective techniques, method, and approaches.
Reading is good thing in life because it is a factor of
great importance in the individual development and the most important activity
in school. It is needed in every level of field of study. There are
particularly in cases when students have to read English
materials for their own special subject
with a limited vocabulary anyone will also
has limited understanding in terms of
listening, speaking??????????????????