Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability in
Recount Text by Using KWL (Know, Want, and Learned) of the Eight Grade at SMPN
This chapter contains the description
of background of the study, formulation of
the research problem, purpose of the study,
significances of the study, scope and limitation,
definition of key terms, and the
organization of the study.
Background of the Study
English has a great role for
teacher, student and also education. Skill
of English has very important as communication
in the world so, the science gave valuation
is English must give the students since they are in elementary school. It must
give to the student since because more the fact can be seen in literatures or
when we watch television about science world event. To understand the problem
of technology and science which are written in English, we must
master English well through either formal or
non formal education in order to keep
up with the development countries.
English is one of the subjects
in school. It has become one of
subject in curriculum. Every school can develop it, especially in formal
education. In order to be successful in using English as a means of
communication, the students have to be able for of all the language skills:
listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In addition, they
need to master various competences related
to the language?????