Language is an
international part of human being in their lives without a language life in the
society would be impossible.teachers use language to communicate with the
students or their colleagues to give explanation about the subject, to
distribute their knowledge. Language consist of four skills namely : listening,
reading, speaking, and writing. These skills are divided into two partsThe
first part is productive skills and the second part is receptive skills.
Productive skills are speaking and writing. As well as receptive skills are
listening and reading. English as
an international language plays an important role for communication in indonesia:
it is becoming more and more important with the involvement of the goverment in
the teaching english. The english teachers are insisted to be creative to
design many communicate activities in the classroom. The motivate students to
use the language actively and productively. Anyhow, it is not easy for the
teachers to guide the students to speak english in that classroom. Especially
in speaking class since many students are frightening to give small talk in the
classroom (Vasille and Muliati 1990 : 50)
According to
Harmer (2001:1) a lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for
communication between two speaker whose native language are different from each
other’s and where one or both speakers are using it as a second language. In
other words, it is used for communication between two speaker who have
different native languages and they use more than one language as a second
In Indonesia
English is taught at SMP (junior high school), SMU (senior high school), in
university, many courses and it has also been taught at SD ( elementary
school). knowing that english is quite significant for indonesia in the
future,the goverment always makes effort to improve the quality of english
teaching. By improving the quality of teachers and other components in
educational proccess, hopefully the english teaching can improved. One of the
improvements of the english teaching deals with syllabus which is reflected in
the materials given to the students.
Data from the
school that, students have a low motivation to study english. They think
english is very difficult subject, Beside that english is the second language
in our country. so as a teacher we must creative to create new learning,
in other that students think english is very easy and fun to learn.
According To
School Based On Curriculum Degree 2006 (KTSP, 2006:278) the aim of the english
teaching in indonesia especially teaching english to junior high school is to
enable students to have the ability in developing communicative competence in
both oral and written form in achieving functional literacy level, to have the
awareness about the essence and the important of english in increasing
competition in global community, and the last is developing the students
comprehension about interelatedness between language and culture.
Speaking is one
of four basic skills in learning foreign language besides listening, reading,
and writing. It has been taught since the students entered a junior school,
however, there are some difficulties faced by junior high school students to
communicate in english. They have to think more often when speaking english.of
course students need interaction with ?????