A. Background
English is one of the languages used as a means of sharing
ideas on setting information from other people in the world. We can not deny
that the mastery of English is quite necessary for Indonesian people nowadays.
Therefore, the government of Indonesia has put English as an essential subject
to be learned from junior high school up to university level. Even, nowadays,
it is being taught at elementary school.
One of the English language aspects which many students
consider very difficult to study is writing. Generally writing is quite
unpopular. It has been in long practice of teaching English as a foreign
language in Indonesia that writing is rather neglected for various reasons. It
needs greeter efforts on the part of teacher and therefore it is quite demanding,
causing a greeter burden than other language aspects to teach. The teaching of
writing has been associated with tedious correction and markings of individual
students’ work.
Writing is one of the English language skills has an
important role not only in formal situation but also informal one, sometimes
people can not verbalize their opinion, ideas or feelings but they can express
them through writing. Some elements or components should get attention in
writing are caused by many factors. One of them is complicated components of
writing, namely: content, grammar, style, form, and mechanics. These components
are related to another in order to produce good result writing.
Teachers of English face many problems dealing with language
skills. Since writing as a productive skill, it is being a means of written
communications. Teacher always fight and strive for their students to solve
their problem in writing skill by expressing their ideas through writing. In
writing process, learners always deal with the process of putting words into
sentences and the putting sentences into paragraph until they can create a
piece of writing.
Teaching students to write well is of great importance in
today’s classroom. That’s why the teacher has to employ a good technique or method
to provide inspiration for the students that will motivate them to express
themselves creatively through writing. The teacher should give the students
many activities to do in order to make the students creative. In this case,
teacher should employ good technique and have good preparation in teaching
them. A delightful way to encourage the students to write paragraph is to use
“visual - picture sequences” as an aid and medium in teaching writing.
For the students to be successful writers, writing subject
must occur at every grade level, not merely at the tested grades. Each grade
level students acquire the writing skills they will need for success in the
next grade. Basic writing concepts are strengthened as student’s progress
through elementary school, middle school, and high school. Making writing an
important part of other content areas, such as science and social studies, will
strengthen this alignment. In addition, students learn to write effectively by
having many opportunities to practice writing. Without practice, students
cannot sharpen the skills they need in order to be able to write competently
and confidently.
Arising from the background above, the researcher will
conduct a research and employ visual – picture sequences to improve writing
ability of the class XI exact program students of SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Makassar.
The subject of this research is the students who are still learning English in
the middle level of senior high school. According to the English teacher of
class XI exact program that, actually, this class has an active students
concerning English subject but they never be trained to write with a specific
method, technique, and particular media, even they resist writing, not because
they really hate the act itself, but because they lack of strategies and
confidence to meet the writing tasks we assign them. With the result their
potency buried and causing their achievement poorly.
Further, beside the information from the English teacher,
the researcher also gets the data from the English teacher concerned and
observation result of P2K research approximately 2 months at the last semester
of class X SMA Muhammadiyah 7 Makassar about the students’ achievement in
English Subject especially in writing which in fact is still low and poorly.
From the data score of the students’ value indicates a low score; most of them
still get the score under 65 while the Standard English in curriculum is 65.
Therefore, the teacher wants to solve this problem until the students gain an
expected score and achieve the score till ?????????????