AN ANALYSIS OF THE STUDENTS’ PROBLEM IN CHANGING ACTIVE TO PASSIVE VOICE CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Research Background English as one of the international languages where almost all of the countries ...
the implementation of Sentence Component Identification Strategy to improve the students’ ability to analyze a simple English text to be translated into Indonesian at the eighth grade of (CAR) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A.Background English as a global language has been used by more than a half population in the...
The Effectiveness of Peer Reviewing in Improving Students’ Narrative Writing Ability (Quasi Experimental) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This section gives a brief intoduction to the area of the research. This chapter includes Background, Rese...
USING GROUP WORK TO IMPROVE CHILDREN’S SPEAKING ABILITY ( A QUASI EXPERIMENTAL) CHAPTER I In this chapter, the paper will elaborate the background of the study. It will discuss how indonesian students having pro...