Improving the Students’ ability to speak English using pictures through pair work. PTK CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background As internationally pronounced language, English occupies the first position in the word b...
teaching vocabulary through crossword puzzle at the first year students’ of SMA x. (PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Language is at the centre of human life. It is one of the most important ways to express ...
The List Group Label Strategy to improving the students vocabulary mastery at the (school) PTK CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Learning English is very important, because English has become an international language,...
The Use of Explicit Teaching Strategy To Increase The Students’ Reading Comprehension (classroom action research) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Reading is one of English skill to be mastered listening, speaking and writing. The purpo...
The application of guided reading method in improving students’ reading skill (Classroom Action Research) CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background Nowadays, English language is very important to our lives. This language is use world- wi...