This chapter presents the discussion on the background of
the study, statement of the problems, objective of the study, scope and
limitation of the study, significance of the study, assumption of the study,
hypothesis of the study, and definition of key terms.
1.1 Background of the Problem
There are many languages used as a means of communication by
people all over the world. One of them is English, which has a role as an
international language. It is known as the first foreign language taught in
Indonesia. It is started from Elementary School up to University, because it is
important for developing the science.
Many students in Indonesia do not like English. They get
difficulties, boredom and confusing in learning it, because it is not their
mother tongue. English teacher should be able to motivate the learners in learning
this foreign language. Harmer (1993: 3) states motivation means a kind of drive
that encourages somebody to pursue a course action. It should be done by every
English teacher in order that the students are interested to learn this
language. English teacher must be able to manage the teaching by using certain
method in the teaching-learning process, so that the students will like it
without boring and despair.
Community Language Learning Method (CLLM) as one kind of
method in language learning, “where the learners become members of a community
– their fellow learners and the teacher to learn through interaction with
members of the community. Learning is not viewed as an individual
accomplishment but as something that is achieved collaboratively. Learners are
expected to listen attentively to the knower, to feely provide meanings they
wish to express, to repeat target utterance without hesitation, to support
fellow members of the community, to report deep inner feelings and frustrations
as well as joy and pleasure, and to become counselors to other learners” (
Curan in Richard, at. all, 1986: 120)
In learning English there are four skills which are
necessary to be mastered by the learners. Those skills are listening, speaking,
reading and writing. Referring to the title, the writer limits the explanation
to the speaking only. Speaking skill is very important skill that must be
mastered by every language learners, because one is called mastering a language
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