internationally pronounced language, English occupies the first position in the
word by communication today. This position makes English most widely used all
over the world in all aspects of human life. English is a language used
conveying our ideas to other persons. We can communicate with other people in
the world by the language. In our country, English plays an important role in
international communication and in the development of Education, Economic,
Science, and Technology.
problem that usually find is that the students’ are capable of structure or
reading, but have the lack of speaking, although English have been thought in
Indonesia as a compulsory subject from junior school to senior high school and
university. Therefore, we can state that speaking is one of the improvements of
their speaking skill. Studying English without
practice speaking is useless. (Fauziati, 2002:126)
Speaking is
the process of building and sharing meaning through the use of verbal and
non-verbal symbols. Speaking is a crucial part of second language learning and
teaching. However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching speaking
should improve students’ communicative skills because students can express
themselves and learn how to use a language.
Nowadays, many teacher agree that students should learn to speak
the Second language by interacting to others. For this case, students’
should master several speaking components such as: comprehension,
pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency. In brief, English teacher
should be creative in developing their teaching learning process to create good
atmosphere, improve the students speaking skill, give attention to the speaking
components’, and make the English lesson more exiting. For this reason, the
English teacher of SMP Pesantren Sinergi Mulya applies appropriate method and
technique of teaching speaking. The method used by the teacher is pair work
the researcher was applied a new method to improve students’ ability to speak
English, the method is pair work.
work is one of the learning strategies which emphasized on the efficient and
the effectiveness in teaching and learning process. Besides that, students
expect can motivate them to construct the knowledge in their own understanding
and to make connection between knowledge and its application in their daily.
Based on the
explanation above that the students still low or lack of speaking so the writer
is interested in investigating whether the use of pair work method is effective
or not in improving students’ speaking by carrying out the research under the
title: “Improving the Students’
ability to speak English using
pictures through pair work/.