A. Background
Reading is one of the important aspects that influence
the students’ success in learning English because by reading students can
increase their vocabulary and mainly goals of the teaching English in Indonesia
to enable the students to use English for communication and to read English and
references in English.
For the students who want to develop and extend their
knowledge, Reading Comprehension skill
is a fundamental skill in obtaining progress. The students can extend their
knowledge by reading books. Through reading, the students can improve their
knowledge in many fields and sciences.
Reading is an active process of identifying important ideas,
comparing, evaluating, and applying them. ( Mc. Whorter, T. Kathleen : 1999 )
therefore, in reading paragraph, we have to try to comprehend the main idea of the
reading material, without comprehending the paragraph; it will be difficult to
understand what we have read or what the
writer means or what reading material.
In teaching and learning English reading process, the
comprehension toward the material is the main goals, but the fact show that the
majority of the students encounter the problem in comprehending the English
By looking at this fact, the English teachers are
expected to always make some effort to help the students to improve their
reading comprehension; teachers must give variation in teaching them in reading
class. If the students are only taught to read and memorize the grammatical
pattern, they will get bored, so variations are really needed to overcome
boredom. Byne ( 1998 ; 130 – 132 ) states that students seem to learn better
when they are engaged
In teaching reading the teachers find some problems. Edythia
(1998) states that it is the fact that the students who study English may be
fluent readers in their native language, but they cannot transfer the skills in
reading English. When they read an English text, they tend to know or focus to
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