This chapter deals with background,
problem statement, objective of the research, significance of the research, and
the scope of the research.
A. Background
Learning foreign language will be difficult if we do not have any
vocabularies. In order to master English, the elements of the language; such as
grammatical structure, vocabulary and pronunciation must be taught to the
students as the prerequisite knowledge toward the English language use and
skills because language is characterized by the elements (Corder, 1975).
Vocabulary has essential influence on the language skills. It connects the four
language skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All of the skills
will not take place without vocabulary. To read, the students need vocabulary
to comprehend the text, but it will be difficult if they lack of vocabulary.
When students want to master
a language, they must learn vocabulary. Sometimes students are doubtful to express their ideas because they have limited vocabulary. Also without having
enough vocabulary, students will not be able to convey and communicate in
English. The fact is without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without
vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (Wilkins, 1978)
Vocabulary is the first thing that every student learns in
their formal and informal education. It assumed that if the students learn
English in earlier age, of course they have much vocabulary by now. But the
fact is they still have problem in learning English vocabulary. Students have
difficulties to memorize the vocabulary. They just memorize the word if in the
classroom, but after that they sometimes forgot what they have learned before.
It happened since most of the teachers did not give them an impressive lesson
and no exposure to the language outside the classroom. So, they forget their
vocabulary easily and it makes teaching and learning vocabulary needs
developing. One way in learning vocabulary is by using mnemonic technique. It helps the
students learn basic facts and new vocabulary, which they need to acquire when
teaching a new subject (McPherson, 2000)??????