This chapter discusses about background of study, previous study, scope of study, statements of problem, objective of study, significance of study and outline of study. Below are more detailed descriptions:
1.1. General Background of Study
Neo Colonialism is a term which is well known by people all over the world. Neo Colonialism itself is essentially a system of political, economic and cultural intervention and hegemony by a powerful country in a weaker one ( which happened after World War II.
This chapter discusses about background of study, previous study, scope of study, statements of problem, objective of study, significance of study and outline of study. Below are more detailed descriptions:
1.1. General Background of Study
Neo Colonialism is a term which is well known by people all over the world. Neo Colonialism itself is essentially a system of political, economic and cultural intervention and hegemony by a powerful country in a weaker one ( which happened after World War II.
From that quotation I tend to say that neo colonialism is used to refer to an ideology or a set of beliefs used to legitimize or promote this system and allow the colonialist were superior to those of the colonized.
A recent example of neo colonialism is the movement of Israel to Gaza which has allowed many critics to the colonist. Neo Colonialism includes two countries which have many differences. The conflict seems to
be the conflict between the representatives of western and eastern. In case of Israel is on the western side while Gaza is on the left one. The conflict between western and eastern country is widely known by whole the world. The conflict which has covered all sides of life is also such a never??????? ?????? ??????