the use of jigsaw game to minimize the students’ error in building sentences

A.    Background
English is an international language used as a means of communication throughout the world. In Indonesia, it has an important role in education, but it is not only a kind of subject that should be known and mastered by students in the classroom, rather it is used when they enter their society.  English also has been taught in Elementary Schools start from year four. Due to this fact, students should have enough competencies in mastering the four skills of English. Those are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing however has certain characteristics, which seem to make it difficult for most of students particularly the first year students of Senior High School to grips with .
Even writing is a complicated task, it is still a useful, essential, integral, and enjoyable part of the foreign language lesson. It lets us to think, to express our idea, to form an opinion, to make a response, and to change the oral into written communication.
We realize that writing is a skill which needs a serious attention and it is not a gift we are born with. Mastering writing needs a lot of practice. Without practice writing will be difficult. Moreover, it is also supported by other skills such as, oral, reading, and listening skill, which help to build up our writing. One who want to be better in any endeavor practice conscientiously, for competence in writing, also need practice, but practice with, “know how” (Joanne Samson and Alex Radloff, 1992:3).
Students write best when they have a lot of information and much knowledge about the topic to the effectiveness of their writing. They usually require develop the writing skill appropriate to their readiness and ages.
In writing students usually make many mistakes, especially for young learners, even in grammatical and also its content. Most of the mistakes they have made are often found in writing activities such as, building sentences from words into sentences and arranging sentences to be a good paragraph. As teachers, we should not directly blame our students. Have our way of teaching suitable enough with the fact that they are still children and how can we make writing interesting, that is how can we give it a purpose and how can we integrate with other skills are questions to be considered, since the native language the students have learned and English as the target language have many differences in writing system and its structures.
 Based on the preliminary research the researcher found that there are many problems faced by the students especially in writing, so the researcher is planned to overcome this problem by applying the jigsaw games because this game is able to help the students in building sentences, especially in building the simple sentences. Furthermore, some methods such as, using games, using media, are very common used by a teacher to overcome the writing difficulties. The purpose of those methods in the teaching learning process is to facilitate students to produce a good composition in writing. Related to this study, the use of games in teaching learning process will play an important role. They may arouse students’ attention.
Monotonous activities or strategies of a teacher in teaching will make students get bored. To avoid being bored and tired of studying and to make the teaching of writing more effective and interesting, it will be wise if the teacher uses various methods in teaching our students.
B.      Problem statements
Selecting research problem is one important consideration for any researcher should take. In order to get the expected results, the writer limited the discussion of this study in the form of questions as follow:
“To what extend the use of jigsaw game to minimize the students’ error in building sentences?”
C.    Objective of the Research
The objective of this study is to describe the extent of jigsaw to minimize the students’ errors in building sentences.
D.    Significant of The Study
The writer hope the study will give significant advantages for:
1.      Teachers
Hopefully, this study will help the teachers to improve their methods in teaching learning process in the classroom. So that the problems that the students and teachers face in the teaching learning process can be minimized. In addition, teachers can apply this new method in their classroom to make the teaching more interesting.
2.      Students
The result of this study will be very useful for the students who have problems in building sentences, especially in arranging words to be a good sentence. They also will able to produce a good English whether oral or 

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