Outdoor learning activities method


it is possible, through international comparisons, to recognise Scotland as an emerging leader in
the field of outdoor learning. Scotland has a long history of engaging children and young people
with the outdoors and the value placed on outdoor learning within Curriculum for excellence
is encouragement to continue, and build upon, that history. indeed, Scotland is one of only
a handful of countries which now explicitly includes the use of the outdoor environment as a
necessary approach and context for delivering its education curriculum. Just as Scotland is being
recognised as an innovative forerunner in curriculum reform at a time of exponential change,
so it is beginning to be recognised as a leader in the use of outdoor learning.

By capitalising on the potential of the full spectrum of outdoor learning experiences, from
simple learning activities close to schools and settings through to residential experiences and
beyond, practitioners can contribute positively to the learning journey of Scotland’s children
and young people.
the purpose of this resource is to provide practical, accessible and straightforward advice
for teachers, childhood practitioners, youth workers and others working with children and
young people on how to engage children and young people with learning outdoors. it is part
of achieving a wider objective of supporting the implementation of the guidance document
Curriculum for excellence through Outdoor Learning.
this resource introduces practitioners who are not familiar with outdoor learning to exploring
ways of taking children outside. it provides a route into continuing professional development and
suggestions for embedding outdoor learning as a whole-school approach. it serves to illustrate
the potential of outdoor learning as an effective approach to learning and teaching within the
context of Curriculum for excellence.
it should be noted that this resource is not a definitive guide to outdoor learning in Scotland
and that there are many ways of taking learning outdoors that will not be covered in detail.
Further support and guidance are available on the education Scotland website and through glow.
there are also many partner organisations and individuals throughout Scotland who produce
materials and provide first-hand support to enable practitioners to facilitate quality learning
outdoors for children and young people.


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