In the implementation  of  Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) method dealing with classroom action research  it  was  conducted  in  two cycles.  Each cycle consisted  of  planning,  acting,  observing,  and  reflecting.  The determining of the second cycle was based on the reflection of the previous cycle result.

1.   Cycle I

Based on the observation before the researcher concluded the students difficult in speaking Therefore,  the  researcher  implemented Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) method  to  solve  the  problem  in  the  classroom  action  research.  There  were four  steps  in  CAR  including  planning,  acting,  observing,  and  reflecting  in  each cycle.

a.   Planning

In this research, the procedures were as follows:

1)   Making lesson planning based on the syllabus, and prepare material before enter in the classroom for each meeting

2)   Making observation sheet to observe the students activity.

3)   Making instrument evaluation was used in classroom action research cycles

b.   Action

1)   Class presentation. The material to be learned is initially presented to the whole class by the teacher. Therefore, he needs to prepare a topic or a lesson material. Since the teacher presents the material, the students can focus on the presented material, while on the other side they are concerning to the way she uses of the acceptable pronunciation, correct grammatical patterns, and vocabulary mastery.

2)   Team. The teacher asks the students to form a team which is comprised of five to six members. The students than work in group of a given topic and are trying to master   each question arises in the topic. In this case, the teacher informs each members which assignment to be completed. After that they are  working in a group discussion or pair activity, while the task is finished, the teacher asks once again each teams to review and make more clear about the question arise previously

3)   Quiz. The students are evaluated via individually quiz. The quiz is based on the material given and that have discussed more in team. The quiz assesses individual achievement on the material presented in the class and practiced in team. The quiz is in forms of asking and answering questions by pointing or in order. Here, again the students can learn how to perform  a good speaking  accuracy.

4)   Individual improvement scores. The teacher puts the scores on improvement from pre to post questions scores. Individual scores contribute to a group score, the points contributed to the group are based on a students’ improvement over previous quiz performance.

5. Team recognition. Lastly, as the learning goes impressed, the teacher gives rewards or appreciation for teams who perform exceptionally well or who are most improved.

c.   Observation

In this phase, the teacher observed the situation of teaching learning and the students’ activity in teaching learning process using observation sheet and speaking test at the end of the first cycle. The teacher was evaluated the students’ achievement in speaking English and measure the effect of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) method.

d.   Reflection

The teachers analyze and evaluate all of the data, which had been collected from observation, to assess the teaching program’s achievement after given an action at the first cycle. The gotten result could be a basic to formulate as reconciliation for the second cycle.

2.   Cycle II

After finishing the cycle I, the result of the learning process was not significant to what the researcher expect the cycle II was taken again for improvement of the cycle achievement.

Basically, the planning at the first cycle and the second cycle has the same steps. In this cycle, the researcher tried more improve some deficits on first cycle with guide in indicator achievement.

a.   Revised Planning

In cycle II was the same with cycle I that conducted four times meeting included once time for test in cycle II. The main activities were:

1)   In the palnning section, the teacher prepared material to  students about reading comprehension materials

2)   Arranged lesson planning, for the first meeting, the second meeting, the third meeting and the fourth meeting

3)   Prepared the second observation paper to observe the students’ activity

b.   Action

1)   Class presentation. The material to be learned is initially presented to the whole class by the teacher. Therefore, he needs to prepare a topic or a lesson material. Since the teacher presents the material, the students can focus on the presented material, while on the other side they are concerning to the way she uses of the acceptable pronunciation, correct grammatical patterns, and vocabulary mastery.

2)   Team. The teacher asks the students to form a team which is comprised of five to six members. The students than work in group of a given topic and are trying to master each question arises in the topic. In this case, the teacher informs each members which assignment to be completed. After that they are  working in a group discussion or pair activity, while the task is finished, the teacher asks once again each teams to review and make more clear about the question arise previously

3)   Quiz. The students are evaluated via individually quiz. The quiz is based on the material given and that have discussed more in team. The quiz assesses individual achievement on the material presented in the class and practiced in team. The quiz is in forms of asking and answering questions by pointing or in order. Here, again the students can learn how to perform  a good speaking  accuracy.

4)   Individual improvement scores. The teacher puts the scores on improvement from pre to post questions scores. Individual scores contribute to a group score, the points contributed to the group are based on a students’ improvement over previous quiz performance.

5. Team recognition. Lastly, as the learning goes impressed, the teacher gives rewards or appreciation for teams who perform exceptionally well or who are most improved.

c.   Observation

In this phase, the teacher observed the situation of teaching learning and the students’ activity in teaching learning process using observation sheet and speaking test at the end of the first cycle. The teacher was evaluated the students’ achievement in speaking English and measure the effect of Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) method..

d.   Reflection

According to the achieved result of the observation that had been collected and analyzed. From the result of the research, the researcher can make conclusion that Students Team Achievement Division (STAD) method can improve the students’ Speaking ability.


HUB 085398507498

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