Definition of Writing
to Cole and Feng (2015: 4) writing is a fundamental component of language. When
a child writes, thoughts and knowledge are blended together creating a unique
meaning. Consequently, students identify the skill of writing, as more
difficult than listening and reading. Furthermore, writing is the skill that
most students are least proficient in when acquiring a new language.
Based on Albesher (2016: 11) the
writing is a emphasis on the composed
product rather than the composing process;
the analysis of discourse
into words, sentences,
and paragraphs; the
strong concern with
usage (syntax, spelling, punctuation) and with style (education,
economy, clarity, emphasis); and so on
Troia (2014: 30) writing is a ways to affords the students
extended opportunities to think about, manipulate, and transform ideas and
reflect on their existing knowledge, beliefs, and confusions in written
form. Because writing is permanent and
promotes more concrete and precise thinking processes, it offers a unique
mechanism for extending learning beyond presentations, inquiry activities, and
(2013: 19) writing is an act of communication, it is considered as a skill that
needs study and practice to be developed. The ability to write is not naturally
acquired; it is usually learned as a set of practices in formal institutions,
or other environments settings. Meanwhile, writing is an essential skill
through which success can be attained in any academic contexts. Writing is much
more than an orthography symbolization of speech, it is more importantly a
purposeful selection and organization of expression this means that writing is
a group of organized expressions that form a whole, and convey specific
meanings or process of thinking to invent ideas, exploring and arranging them
into statements and paragraphs, rather than a production of graphic symbols.