Grammatical Error
Analysis in Speaking of the Second Semester English Students
In this chapter, the writer shows the background
of the research, the formulation of research problems, objectives of research, significant
of research, scope and limitation, definition of key terms and organizations of
Background of
In our education system, English is a compulsory subject at
secondary school. This is because English is an important international
language which is used as a medium of communication by the most people in the
world. Every human in the world always use language to communicate, give information,
knowledge and express their idea and though.
Because of the importance of English, our government makes a policy
about the use of English in our education system. The standard of content for
the junior high school states that the target of English instruction in school
is to enable the students to gain functional level of literacy (Depdiknas, 2006:277). At this particular level, students are expected to be able to
communicate in both written and oral forms to overcome their challenges. This
objective is clearly reflected in the English standard of competencies and the
basic competencies.
In English, there are four skills that should be mastered, they
are: listening, speaking, writing, and reading, the most important one of them
is speaking. The ability to function in another language is generally
characterized in