writing descriptive text through collaborative writing viewed from its content?

A.    Background
English is one of the language used as a means of sharing ideas on setting information from other people in the world. Therefore, the government of Indonesia has put English as an essentials subject to be learned from elementary school up to university level. As foreign language in Indonesia, many students consider that English is difficult. They lost their interest in studying English. Because of this, English teachers are expected to find good strategies to make the learning process more interesting for the students. There are four skills in English language, namely reading, speaking, listening and writing. To organize the teaching, the teacher usually focuses on one or two language skill. Its aim to train the students to get thought of ideas which it can helps them in developing themselves.
Writing is the skill that processed by human being to produce his or her ideas and thought into written-forms, although the ideas or thought can also produce through spoken-forms. Sometimes people cannot express their opinion or their ideas orally but they can express them through writing in order they can transmit their idea. West, (1973:2) says that one reason for listening to write is to transmit ideas to another people, especially to those distant in time and space.
Writing skill can be developed as follows: class writing, group writing, individual writing, community writing. Pincars, (1987:7) states that writing is instrument of both communication and self expression: people want to write because they want to express their feelings, ideas, thought and to be read by others. Communication occurs between the writer and the reader in the writing form. Commonly the students have their own idea but they usually find difficulties in express them into a good piece of writing. The big problem of the students are how to get start, how to develop their ideas, how to arrange the vocabulary into a good piece of sentence, etc. Therefore, most of the student discourage in writing and lost their interest in writing because the lack of grammar (supported from Zakaria, 2007). To make them easy in writing an English text, teachers have to find a good technique to solve this problem. One of good technique is write an English text collaboratively. Students in collaborative writing can support and share ideas each other so they can make a piece of writing effectively. Beside that, collaborative writing also helps students in reducing their anxiety to study English because they can practice their ability together with their friends or do their peer activity. Students also can cooperate closely with other students so it is obviously to say that writing collaboratively can be more exciting and interesting.
B.     Problem Statement
Based on the background above, the researcher formulates the problem statement as follows:
1.      How is the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text through collaborative writing viewed from its content?
2.      How is the students’ achievement in writing descriptive text through collaborative writing viewed from its language use?
C.      The Objective of the Research
The researcher is intended to know the students’ ability to write English text (Descriptive text) through collaborative writing viewed from its content and language use.
D.      Significance of the Research
This research is held to know the students’ ability to organize English text especially descriptive text through collaborative writing viewed from its content and language use.
The result of the research is expected to be useful information for the teachers and the lecturers in using collaborative writing in writing excercises. This is also can be one alternative in teaching writing in order to motivate the students to write.
E.       Scope of the Research
The scope of the research is restricted to the ability of the students to write descriptive text which is viewed from its content and language use.

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