English is one of the international
languages that is used by many people in the world. Therefore, using English is
the easiest way to communicate with the people from other countries about many
aspects in human life such as technology, economy, social aspects, and
politics. In Indonesia, English is a foreign language. Learning foreign
language is an integrated process that the learner should study the four
skills; listening, speaking, reading, and writing. We use it to understand our
world through listening and reading and to communicate our feeling, need, and
desire through speaking and writing. By having more knowledge about language
skill we have much better chance of understanding and being understood and
getting our wish and need from these around us. But, in this research the
writer only focuses about writing.
Writing is of the basic skills
in language. It is very important to understand more, because writing is
different with the other basics. Writing involves some language components
(spelling, grammar, and vocabulary). This is similiar to what Brain and Claire
May (1996: 60), state that writing clear sentences requires you learn the rules
of English grammar and mechanics such as
the correct use of verbs and
pronouns, as well as commas and other marks of punctuation. There are various
ways to organize the sentences in a piece of writing. One of them is
descriptive paragraph.
paragraph is a paragraph that is used to "describe" the situation, what people are doing and what
people see. A good descriptive paragraph is a paragraph that brings the reader
to jump in and as if he was present there and immediately perform, look and see
what we have described.
Therefore, many techniques applied by the researcher to
help the teachers in teaching writing, West (1973: 4) states that teachers very in
teaching writing technique and students differ in the way they learn.
Topical approach may be one of fruitfull
technique that can be applied by English teachers in order to guide and help
the students to improve their writing. Topical approach help the students to
write down their argument about particular designed with interesting topic and
also several questions that lead the writer to create a paragraph, as like
Neman (1989) states that topic is the esspence of ideas which is meant to get
across in writing.
Based on my observation, there are some problem found in
the field when giving writing material to the students, especially the
descriptive paragraph. The first problem is that the students’ writing is not
comprehensible, because the content of the composition is not relevant to the
topic, the ideas is not clearly states, the ideas and sentences are not well
language use. The second problem is that there are many errors in vocabulary,
grammar, and spelling. Another problem is the student have low motivation and
are not interested in doing the task since
the writing activities are not interesting. Usually, the students are
asked to write sentences and paragraph without giving some topic so that is
difficult for them to express their ideas on a piece of paper and also the
students have difficulty telling their experience. Writing is difficult for
them since they have to mastery vocabulary, spelling, and grammar. In reference
to the explanation above, the researcher has motivation to do research in
improving writing ability through topical approach. It is hoped that the
topical approach can improve the students’ ability in writing, especially
descriptive paragraph.
Problem Statement
Based on
the previous statement, the writer formulates research questions follows:“
1. How is the the students’ improvement in writing
descriptive paragraph through Topical Approach?”
2. How is the students’ interest to study descriptive
paragraph through Topical Approach?”
Objective of the Study
In this
part , the writer formulates the objective of the research:” to find out.
To explain the
student’s improvement in writing a descriptive paragraph through Topical Approach.”
To explain the
student’s interest to learn descriptive paragraph through Topical Approach.”
Significance of
the Study
The result of this result of
this research where expected to be meaning full information, specially for the
students of SMK Negeri I Maros to develop their skill in writing through Topical
Approach and then expected to be able to teach students more easier in
developing paragraph by using particular
to topic ( topical approach).
Scope of the Study
This research is limited on the use of ‘Topical Approach
in improving writing achievement of the students. The kind of writing is
descriptive paragraph focused on content, and organization. The researcher
focuses on improving the students’ writing skill through Topical Approach at
class X of SMK Negeri I Maros.